Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fun-filled Family Christmas

Max shows Sadie how to lick the frosting spoon.
Beth poses with Julie and Mike.  Barb shares Europe and wedding pictures with Jenifer.
Susan and Greg with their boys, Zach and Cam.  Zach is in bed because he had strep throat!
Girl time for Shea and Sadie.
Man talk in the kitchen.
Adorable little Sadie. 
Barb enjoys watching Cam open his stocking. 
A new pair of sweats for Chuck.  How did Beth know he wanted them!
Brexton and Annalisa with Sadie and Brexton (now a teenager), and Jake and Jenifer with their two . . .  Shea and Seth.
A hug for Mommy.
The adult gift exchange was a riot!  Susan and Mike are pleased with their wine (until is was stolen from them!) 
Things began to heat up with a little wine and a little beer, a knife set, and a Metallica tee shirt.
 Beth and Gary take a well-earned rest.  What a great party and what a  wonderful family we have!!
On Christmas Day, Julie and Mike invited us over for ham and homemade, delicious, chocolate cream pie.
Chuck and Mike relax and pose for a father-son shot.
Julie and I served the pie for dessert.  Julie is a good cook.


Beth said...

That was a great recap of Christmas Eve. What a fantastic time we all had. I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time. It's fun to get everyone together.
The"BIG" kids really had a great time (I'm glad the deer picture didn't show up on here) Thanks for being a part of this crazy, loving celebration

Jenifer Sutherland said...

Barbie and Chuck! GREAT photos and superb commentary. I am laughing now, I love the finger pointing. It was a pleasure to see you both. I am still upset with Seth for grabbing his computer from Great Grandpa Chuck, he now knows that was not nice. sorry.

Rachel said...

Oh thanks for posting this!! It's so great to see everyone! All those kids are so big and adorable. I miss hanging out with them.

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